Pyblish in 100 lines

Pyblish is a tiny framework. Even though it consists of over 40 individual Git repositories, only one of them represents the actual mechanism and is tiny enough to fully understand.

What better way for me to reflect, and for you to understand this, than to demonstrate how it all fits together in a single block of code?

Part Description
Code 100 lines of standalone code representing the Pyblish core.
Breakdown Highlights and describes some of the higher level lessons to take away from this article.


The following represents Pyblish at it's core, no fuzz. It runs directly in Python with no dependencies, in ~100 lines of code, including comments.


  • An accurate representation of module and class hierarchy
  • Processing
  • CVEI
  • Logging
  • The results dictionary


  • Stopping on failed validation
  • .data[]
  • Actions
  • Plug-in discovery

100 lines

import types

# Mocked Pyblish module
pyblish = types.ModuleType('pyblish')
pyblish.api = types.ModuleType('api')
pyblish.api.CollectorOrder = 0
pyblish.api.ValidatorOrder = 1
pyblish.plugin = types.ModuleType('plugin')
pyblish.logic = types.ModuleType('logic')

# Ignore this class
class _Plugin(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._records = list()
        self.log = type('Logger', (object,), {})() = lambda text: self._records.append(text + '\n')

# In place of Plugin and CVEI superclasses, two distinct types are defined.
# Each has a unique, explicit behaviour, as opposed to the implicit behavior
# present in the current CVEI types.
class ContextPlugin(_Plugin):

class InstancePlugin(_Plugin):

# Example plugins
class CollectInstances(ContextPlugin):
    # The order is equally explicit and assigned
    # either via static, named numbers, or as usual
    # via arbitrary numbers. Sorting remains unchanged
    order = pyblish.api.CollectorOrder

    def process(self, context):
        context.append('instance2')'Processing context..')

class ValidateInstances(InstancePlugin):
    order = pyblish.api.ValidatorOrder

    def process(self, instance):'Processing %s' % instance)

plugins = [ValidateInstances, CollectInstances]
plugins = sorted(plugins, key=lambda item: item.order)

# plugin.process is greatly simplified.
# Note the disappearance of the provider.
def process(plugin, **kwargs):
    print('individually processing %s' % kwargs.values()[0])

    result = {
        'plugin': plugin,
        'item': None,
        'error': None,
        'records': list(),
        'success': False

        plugin = plugin()
    except Exception as e:
        result['success'] = False
        result['error'] = e

    result['records'] = plugin._records

    return result

pyblish.plugin.process = process

# logic.process is greatly simplified
def process(plugins, context):
    print('logic.process running..')

    for plugin in plugins:
        print('Processing %s' % plugin)

        # Run once
        if issubclass(plugin, ContextPlugin):
            yield pyblish.plugin.process(plugin, context=context)

        # Run once per instance
        if issubclass(plugin, InstancePlugin):
            for instance in context:
                yield pyblish.plugin.process(plugin, instance=instance)

pyblish.logic.process = process

# Example usage
context = list()
processor = pyblish.logic.process(plugins, context)
results = list(processor)


Once you've run the above code, absorbed it's output, let's turn our attention to some of the novelties within.


plugin.process() is the first runner up. It handles actually running your plug-in with either an Instance or the full Context. It isn't particularly interesting (except for maybe how it generates the result dictionary, which is later validated by json-schema during interaction with pyblish-rpc).

What is interesting however is the other process() function.

logic.process() is the first responder to publishing. It takes the available plug-ins and instances and delegates them in pairs plugin.process.


One thing to note here is that logic.process takes as its first argument a function to use for processing. This function is plugin.process, but only under ideal circumstances. It can't do that, for example, when running remotely, such as with pyblish-qml.

In the case of running remotely, plugin.process is replaced with an external function that is delegates the process to pyblish-rpc, which in turn runs plugin.process on the remote machine.

See here for an example of how this works

Dependency injection is the next item of interest. It isn't Pythonic, but it is very simple. Have a gander at its docstring and try it out for yourself to appreciate just how simple, yet flexible it is.

This mechanism was inspired by its use and implementation in the JavaScript framework AngularJS.

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    No results matching ""